It's 'The Lunch' today in the Village Hall... In fact, not only is it 'The Lunch', it's 'The Christmas Lunch'! The Lunch is the most amazing community venture. For £3 every month, people can come to the Village Hall for a wonderful meal. Sometimes, it's homemade soup and a roll, but in December, it's a full blown Christmas dinner - still for £3. It's a wonderful chance for people to get together and catch up on the months activities and get fed with a wholesome meal. As with much of what goes on in St Mary Bourne, it is all run by volunteers who have a very cheery time in the kitchen. I see that some of them, today, to keep the Christmas theme, have jolly Christmas Tree glasses or whacky Christmas jumpers.. just lovely!
Not enough is said of all the wonderful things that happen in the village, or about the amazing people that give up their time to make it all happen. So to start to set the record straight, I would like to say.... LUNCH VOLUNTEERS - YOU ROCK!
The upside for The Boundary is that we get the 'before lunchers' and the 'after lunchers'. The beforers have come in this morning with sparkly tops and lots of giggles. It is so lovely to see a community come together. We are very lucky here at The Boundary, as we get to see it all going on!